Out of the myriad reasons,that causes breakdown of relationships, one commonest that I have observed is our undue exercise of 'Ownership Right' on people who are close to us. We often try to control the people who are near and dear to us.... be it our spouse, children or even friends.....decide on what they do, what they wear, with whom they make friends etc. without realising that such acts of control comes much at our beloved's chagrin.
We are born alone and will die alone.All these relationships are farce. Nobody actually belongs to no one. Even the phrase that we often say'My Body' reflects that we are not our body..we are an entity seperate from our body...an entity more intrinsic than the body...an entity which we call the 'Soul'.
However, to pass this 80 years of being part of a body,we need a lot of things-health, wealth, good parents, good children, good friends....the list is endless and when we go,we take none of these.
' Man is born free but always remain in chains'.Often these chains have come up from people who are our own but who try to dictate us terms,who try to impose us 'Do's and Dont's'....and these very acts of control have often proved to be the apple of discord between two close people.
is it so easy to walk out ?? r d relationships so shallow?? u bcome so attached sometimes that u miss their nagging also...especially when u love someone dearly...all said and done v r living in a materialistic world where v r in shackles..man is a social animal so he needs some support system...for that u have to compromise and this compromise cant b forced ..it has to come from within....can a mother break off from a son?? i am talking of a bond which is weakening day by day ...people tend to take everything casually..