Working with the tea plantation workers, one of the most illiterate lot, a thing that I discovered was that though economically compromised, a vast majority of them are quite truthful and honest people. On the contrary, the so called educated people in white-collared jobs.......doctors, engineers, bureaucrats, police officers etc. can be quite dishonest and greedy.
This has led to the conclusion that honesty, sincerity and truthfulness are not qualities that are related to the level of education. Our education system might have taught us a lot of languages, history, geography, science and mathematics but there is an inherent lack in the moral lesson that it imparts.
Can you consider a man learned if he has no moral values? A lot of schools have cropped up charging exorbitant fees, only to release smarter products who are more materialistic.
Educationist should be aware that the biggest social threat today, in a developing country like ours, is the economy divide....the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer.
The onus to bridge this gap and bring the two classes closer, is on the rich. This however cannot be acheived by a person who is rich only in wealth; he has to be rich in his heart as well and to create such human being should be the biggest challenge of today's educationist.
actually the fault lies with us ,we have not been able to inculcate in them the spiritual aspect of life, take for example right from the beginning for our own convenience we make our children get hooked to T V..the most corrupting factor,instead we could have taught them to enjoy the beauty of nature, to seek solace in it...secondly we have not been able to curb our desires and wishes...we expect them to excel in everything...little realising that for true happiness we need to practice modertion in everything, as a result competition is getting more and more unhealthy leading to many other vices like cut throatism,back stabbing,front stabbing and what not... because after all it is 'THE SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST',with the advent of globalisation its impact as such has been more negative than positive,right from losing our ethics to morals to even our identities we seem to be on a vague ,elusive quest,take for example the ministers ,the actors ,the educated lot of the society ..who are supposed to be the care- takers as well as our role models are themselves leading a life full of controversies,dilemmas, conspiracies...a life which is so unreal and artificial , a life about which they themselves are confused and unsure...if that is the situation then how do you expect our future generation to be morally sound