Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Euthanasia,when death is the cure.

The debate seems endless where many view 'Mercy Killing' as a merciless act. Others opine that there is an intrinsic value of life and it cannot be terminated on grounds of mercy. Yet others believe that the rapidly developing health science gives a room for Hope till the last. Lastly, when Hope ends, it leaves Miracle to do the rest.
Let me try to put forward a more pragmatic approach to this issue. We all agree that the fundamental aim of Medical Science is the well-being of the patient. All efforts are directed towards curing the ailment or at least to alleviate the pain and suffering. It is also undeniable that inspite of all the advancement that has been acheived in this field, there still remains a fraction, however miniscule, of highly incurable illness with zero prognosis.
It is a painful sight to see the suffering of a terminally ill patient and as doctors we get suffocated in helplessness. Can't I do something for him? These are the times when palliative treatment even loses its sensible meaning. The survival of a person in such a condition may be of no benefit to himself or his family and in such circumstance, the only cure is death itself.
I stand in support of Euthanasia. However,it should be an exceptional decision,rather an exceptional choice of treatment, decided upon by a panel of highly responsible doctors, in an authorised centre with the consent of the family of the patient, in the presence legal authorities.
If the aim of the medical professionals, is to minimise suffering, Euthanasia is definitely a therapy.


  1. It's a big debate here in the UK and recently the courts here passed a law which allows for 'compassionate' assisted suicide. it's already legal in Switzerland. I am still conflicted as I am totally against suicide but am not sure what I would do if I am faced by a situtation where I am terminally ill and in a situation where I cant live without dignity.

  2. Thanks Dilip for following my blog.I fondly reminisce my school days with you and am very pleased that you are giving me the feedback of the prevailing law in UK.Euthanasia,needs to be all the more legalised here in India where intensive care facilities to terminally ill patients are available only to the fortunate few. The rest languish in pain and neglect till their last.
